Do I need to meal prep to get results?

I get asked this question all the time! Short answer is no! But it's worth asking yourself these things when deciding if meal prep is going to work for you.

  • Do you have access to healthy meal and snack options throughout your day?
  • Do you have time to travel and buy healthy food?
  • Can you guarantee that when you are busy and hungry and tired that you will be able to make a healthy food choice?

For me, learning to meal prep has truly been a GAME CHANGER! I am a busy working mum so meal prep guarantees I will eat a healthy nourishing meal, especially when I’m tired and don’t want to make myself something to eat.  I think when a lot of people think of prep, they think chicken and broccoli for days and that just isn’t true! I meal prep for 3 days at a time. One, because it lasts the best in the fridge and secondly, I don’t get sick of eating it. Meal Prep can be anything you need it to be. It could be a 2-3 day prep where you prep yourself a healthy breakfast and lunch or you can simply cook some lean protein (chicken) , roast some vegetables and wash and chop up some fruit so that you can easily throw together a healthy meal.

Think outside the box when it comes to meal prep. You can pretty much prep most meals. I have prepped meals from protein pancakes to meatballs to wraps and even pizza! So, no you don’t need to meal prep to achieve your goals but for me it has definitely made it that much easier. Meal prep is a funny thing…. It takes time but saves SO much time during the week. Start small and choose a day on the weekend to do a little prep to help set you up to have a great week. I promise you it will be worth it.